Bartolomeo, also known as “Bartolomeo the Cannibal,” is a striking character from the beloved anime and manga series One Piece, created by Eiichiro Oda. Introduced during the Dressrosa arc, Bartolomeo quickly captured the hearts of fans with his unique abilities, vibrant personality, and unwavering loyalty to the Straw Hat Pirates. The Red-Haired Pirates deliver a devastating defeat to Bartolomeo’s crew, the Barto Club. Faced with the overwhelming power of Shanks, Benn Beckman, and the rest of the crew, Bartolomeo and his men are quickly subdued. After their defeat, Shanks presents Bartolomeo with a troubling choice: he hands him a vial of poison and tells him he has one month to use it to kill Luffy. While the spoilers don’t explicitly confirm it, it seems likely that Shanks was aware of Bartolomeo’s loyalty to Luffy, either through his pledge or by noticing the tribute to Luffy displayed on the bow of their ship, the Going Luffy-senpai. Regardless, Bartolomeo doesn’t hesitate for a moment to consider Shanks’s proposal.
Instead, he takes the poison and drinks it himself. This act comes as no surprise to Shanks, who had anticipated this outcome. In reality, the poison was a fake, and Shanks was merely testing the depth of Bartolomeo’s loyalty to Luffy. After this revelation, Bartolomeo and his crew believed they would be allowed to leave without repercussions. They set sail on the Going Luffy-senpai, thinking they had escaped unscathed. However, Shanks had other plans. He ordered his trusted sniper, Yasopp, to fire at their ship. Yasopp’s shot struck the Going Luffy-senpai directly, resulting in a massive explosion.
Hailing from the East Blue, Bartolomeo was initially portrayed as a notorious pirate with a fearsome reputation. His journey began when he witnessed the Straw Hat Pirates’ adventures, which inspired him to become a pirate himself. His admiration for Monkey D. Luffy and his crew is evident throughout the series, as he often expresses his desire to be part of their legacy.
Devil Fruit Powers
Bartolomeo possesses the powers of the Bari Bari no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants him the ability to create and manipulate barriers. This power allows him to defend himself and his allies from attacks, making him a formidable opponent in battle. His barriers can be used for both offensive and defensive strategies, enabling him to trap enemies or shield his friends from harm.
Bartolomeo is characterized by his brash and loud demeanor, often displaying a mix of confidence and naivety. Despite his tough exterior, he has a strong sense of justice and loyalty, particularly towards Luffy and the Straw Hat crew. His admiration for Luffy often leads him to take bold actions, including declaring himself a fan and protector of the Straw Hats.
Key Moments
One of Bartolomeo’s standout moments occurs during the Dressrosa arc, where he showcases his barrier abilities in battle against powerful foes. His determination to protect Luffy and his allies shines through, earning him respect from both friends and enemies alike. Additionally, his role in the Marineford War and the subsequent events showcases his growth as a character and his commitment to the Straw Hat cause.
Recent Developments
As of the latest chapters, Bartolomeo continues to play an essential role within the One Piece narrative. His involvement in the ongoing conflicts and alliances highlights his growth and significance in the larger story. Fans eagerly anticipate his next moves as the series progresses, especially with the upcoming Elbaf arc, where his loyalty and strength will undoubtedly be put to the test.
Bartolomeo stands out as a beloved character in the One Piece universe, embodying themes of loyalty, friendship, and the spirit of adventure. His unique abilities, combined with his vibrant personality and dedication to the Straw Hat Pirates, make him a fan-favorite. As the story unfolds, fans are excited to see how Bartolomeo’s journey will evolve and what new challenges he will face alongside his idols.
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