Kikoru Shinomiya

Kikoru Shinomiya
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Kikoru Shinomiya is the young daughter of Defense Force Director General Isao Shinomiya and a member of the Third Division. After the destruction of Tachikawa Base, she was transferred to the First Division and trained by Gen Narumi.

Kikoru is one of the main protagonists of Kaiju No. 8: B-Side, a spin-off series of Kaiju No. 8. She is a petite, fairly short young girl with long blonde hair styled in two ponytails, decorated with black bows, and big green eyes. She has a skinny yet athletic physique, resembling her mother Hikari Shinomiya.

On duty, Kikoru wears the usual combat suit of the Defense Force along with her arsenal. With Numbers Weapon 4 as her new personal weapon, she dons a light-colored scaly suit with a long skirt, featuring Izumo Tech’s logos and the 004 insignia on the chest.

In her casual attire, Kikoru wears a long grey dress. As a child, she had slightly shorter hair styled the same way as today.

Kikoru initially appears arrogant and prideful, confident in her abilities to the point of looking down on and humiliating those she deems inferior. Despite this, she is persistent and determined, constantly working to improve herself. Even towards superior officers, she shows confidence, albeit more politely.

Kikoru Shinomiya

Beneath her arrogance, Kikoru cares deeply about her comrades, doing whatever she can to avoid casualties or injuries on the battlefield. She is loyal and grateful, especially towards Kafka Hibino, who saved her and whose secret she keeps. Though she hides it, she cares for her allies’ well-being and goes to great lengths to ensure their safety.

Kikoru admired her parents’ work as Defense Force members and wanted to join the Force herself. However, after her mother’s death, she developed a sense of insecurity, pushing herself to get stronger to fulfill her promise to her mother. Her father’s high expectations added to this pressure, making her feel the need to become stronger to prevent the death of anyone around her. Her relationship with her father and family issues make her insecure and prone to despair. After her father’s death, this insecurity intensified, driving her to seek strength and approval from her parents.

Kikoru is very polite and professional when speaking to higher-ups, likely due to her military upbringing.

Powers & Abilities

Overall Abilities: Kikoru, the daughter of two famous high-ranking former Defense Force soldiers, has prodigious talent. Despite being a first-year rookie, her combat prowess is acknowledged by many of her peers and superiors. She can single-handedly neutralize a horde of Yoju and their Honju with minimal effort. Her excellent combat skills, combined with her high Unleashed Combat Power and tactical skills, have earned her the praise of senior officers, many of whom agree she will become a linchpin of the Defense Force. She has earned the privilege of wielding a personal weapon in battle, usually granted only to higher-ranking Division members. Keiji Itami states that watching her on the battlefield reminds him of her mother, former Second Division Captain Hikari Shinomiya.

Numbers Weapon 4: After being granted Numbers Weapon 4 by Captain Gen Narumi, Kikoru’s physical attributes evolved further, allowing her to spar with Gen and eliminate kaiju with a Fortitude level of 7.0. The suit allows her to fight on par with a kaiju as strong as Kaiju No. 15. Kikoru can see her mother’s ghost through Kaiju No. 4’s memories while wearing Numbers Weapon 4, allowing her to mimic her mother’s movements and improve her combat techniques. By following her mother’s ghost in battle, Kikoru’s combat prowess reaches Captain-level officer performance.

Flight: Using Numbers Weapon 4, Kikoru can fly long distances at extreme speeds.

Kikoru Shinomiya

High Unleashed Combat Power: Despite being a rookie, Kikoru can release 46% of her combat suit’s power on her first try. After training, she can release 55%. After training with Gen Narumi, she can release 84% of the suit’s power, with the number growing to 88% and 94% at its highest. Her Combat Power percentage is the highest for a non-Captain Defense Force officer.

  • Enhanced Strength: With her combat suit, Kikoru can effortlessly lift a car with one arm. Wearing Numbers Weapon 4, she can crush kaiju with one attack or fight stronger opponents.
  • Enhanced Speed: Kikoru can run much faster than her peers, with them struggling to keep up. Wearing Numbers Weapon 4, known for being the fastest Numbers Weapon, she can move and fight faster than trained soldiers can follow and evade powerful blitz attacks.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Kikoru’s suit is resistant enough to prevent a shot from Kaiju No. 9 from killing her, though it can still tear the suit. Despite severe injuries, she can continue fighting. With Numbers Weapon 4, her endurance improves, allowing her to tank blows from a kaiju like No. 15, though not without taking damage.


Axemanship Mastery: Kikoru is highly skilled at killing kaiju and is granted her own personal weapon, a giant axe. Her combat prowess with the axe has increased after joining the First Division. After training with Gen Narumi, her skill and performance in battle now resemble those of a Division Captain.

Fighting Style

Number One: Falling Thunder: By pulling the trigger on the axe, she creates a shockwave that releases backward, resulting in a vicious axe chop from above. Number Two: Water Skimmer: This technique sends a shockwave forward at the moment of impact for a powerful and clean cut. Number Three: Half-Moon: A brutal rotating axe chop. Number Five: Twin Swallows: A pair of cross-shaped axe slashes, resulting in a rapid blitzing attack. Number Six: Daruma Dropper: An attack consisting of four rotating horizontal chops, from the head to the legs of the target. Ten Hit: A variation of Daruma Dropper where Kikoru lands ten slashing attacks instead of four.

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Agent Orange

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Favorite TV Shows: A connoisseur of compelling narratives, Virtus finds solace in the intricate worlds of fantasy fiction. George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series holds a special place in his heart, naturally extending his fandom to the epic sagas of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.