One Piece Chapter 1128 Scans – RPG

One Piece Chapter 1128 Scans – RPG
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Sanji deduces he is not dreaming because there are men present as everyone hops down from the castle, while Zoro reveals he woke up on the other side of town, following the sound of Luffy eating the giant rabbit. Luffy tells Usopp he could have beaten that giant cat, but he claims it woke him up when it tried to eat him, which freaked him out. Usopp tells everyone that though they are wearing Elbaf clothes, it is impossible the country would have clothes that can fit humans. To get to the bottom of this, the crew decide to find some people in town and ask where they are. They come across a man riding a giant grasshopper but when they ask him questions, he tells them he cannot answer because he is in a hurry. The only thing he does tell the crew is that they are in the “Land of Gods”, which is ruled by someone the people call the “Sun God”. The man also tells the crew that he serves the ruler of Bigstein Castle, Iscat, which the crew realizes is the giant cat they fought earlier. Luffy tries telling the man he accidentally beat it up, but Usopp covers his mouth so he does not say anything that will upset the man. The man says the “Needle God” should be hungry right about now, no doubt referring to the giant hedgehog Nami zapped, and he is running late because the “Ear God”, which is the rabbit, was burned to death, with Usopp once again trying to stop Luffy from admitting he ate it while the crew whistle like they had nothing to do with it. The man warns the crew to never venture in the other direction of the castle, for in that direction is the Sun God’s temple, guarded by vicious soldiers. His words, however, prompt Luffy to run off in said direction for adventure.

One Piece Chapter 1128 Release Dates

Nami thanks the man for all the information and apologizes for everything else, while the others start chasing after Luffy, all the while taking note of how there seem to be no homes and a castle that resembles the one they were just in. Luffy sees someone running towards him also wearing Elbaf clothes, but he assumes he can just run past him. What it actually was was his reflection in a mirror, which he crashes into. Doing so causes the “sky” to crack and the mirror to shatter, revealing a netted door. It turns out that this blocky kingdom is just a diorama in a giant-sized room, and this room means the Straw Hats are not on the Giants’s ship anymore because it didn’t have such a room. Everyone then hears someone calling for help, who turns out to be Chopper.

Cutting through the door, Chopper reunites with everyone, giving Nami a hug, which she says means he owes her. Usopp and Zoro notice several other human-sized clothes, indicating they were made for dolls, and Luffy sees more blocks lying around while Sanji observes that the mirror they broke is see-through on the other side, meaning others can look into the set, but the people within cannot. He also suggests installing those types of mirrors in the girls’ cabin, earning a kick to the face from Nami for offering that.

With all of this information, Zoro deduces a giant built this diorama and put several humans and giant animals into it for entertainment. Usopp takes this as a sign that they have made it to Elbaf since the room is giant, but Nami is skeptical. Chopper suggests they leave now while they still can but Usopp says they should go back into the set and ask for more clues. However, everyone’s attention is turned to the arrival of the temple guards the man spoke of earlier, which consist of a giant snake, three giant mice, and a giant raven, all of which Luffy starts fighting. As they fight, the Sun God mentioned before walks into the room and is left horrified by the Straw Hats fighting the animals and having set the room on fire in the process.

After Luffy defeats all of the guards, the crew start running from the Sun God and come across the Iscat, which Luffy forces to give them a ride. Nami then shows everyone she found a blueprint to the block set, and they use it to make for the exit, all the while the Sun God angrily chases after them for destroying his kingdom, declaring he will not let any of them escape.

Oda’s Breaks and Upcoming Chapters

  • Oda takes a break after every three chapters due to the toll of consistent manga drawing.
  • Chapter 1128 will focus on the Monster Trio (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) and could potentially highlight Usopp and Nami.
  • Robin and the remaining crew members are close to Elbaf, seeking clues to reunite with the separated members.

Elbaf Arc: A Phenomenal Start

One Piece has officially marked the beginning of the Elbaf arc, and it is safe to say that the story is just getting better with each passing chapter. The last chapter of Elbaf saw the Straw Hat Pirates begin their adventure in the land of the Giants, and it is safe to say that it was a phenomenal chapter from start to finish. Adventure chapters in One Piece are often hard to adapt to following the end of an exciting arc, which shouldn’t be surprising. However, on their own, these chapters often tend to be some of the best parts of the story.

Vivi’s Critical Role

Vivi has a huge role to play in the Final Saga of One Piece. She might stop the destruction of Elbaf.

Oda’s Perfect Execution in Elbaf

In the case of Elbaf, Oda did not put a single foot wrong, and it is safe to say that the last chapter of One Piece was phenomenal. Oda managed to hit the right balance between adventure and action. Fans expect all this to continue in One Piece chapter 1128, which will most likely see the East Blue 5 continue their exploration of this land. However, it must also be kept in mind that they might face a slight delay.

How The Monster Trio Will Shine In One Piece 1128

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji At The Core Of Elbaf Exploration

Coming back over to the events that One Piece might focus on after it returns, fans know that the Monster Trio is most likely going to be at the center of attention once again. In the previous chapter of One Piece, it was clear for fans to see that part of the Straw Hat Pirates is already on Elbaf. In One Piece chapter 1128, the East Blue 5 is going to continue their exploration, most certainly getting closer to the other Giants, and perhaps meeting new characters as well.

Our priority is to find the ship and ensure the safety of our crew. — Zoro

In the previous chapter, fans saw more attention being thrown at the likes of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. Perhaps, the next chapter will focus more on Usopp and Nami, and this is incredibly important, especially since they haven’t been given any moment to shine in Elbaf. This arc is most likely going to focus on these two individuals deeply, and that is exactly what makes this arc of One Piece exciting for them. Often, Usopp and Nami are counted among the weaker members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and if Oda gives them their own moments and a lot of shine, then these chapters are certainly going to be worth waiting for.

The Monster Trio go into action together and save Nami and Usopp in One Piece 1127.

Hopefully, One Piece chapter 1128 does give them their own individual moments, as the Straw Hat Pirates explore Elbaf more and meet new Giants, such as the Sun God that was mentioned previously, and other protectors of Great Stein castle.

The Remaining Straw Hats Get Close To Elbaf

7 responses to “One Piece Chapter 1128 Scans – RPG”

  1. P. Diddy Avatar
    P. Diddy

    I’m glad it was an illusion and not Oda’s editors being incredibly incompetent missing details. I think it’s kinda annoying that Luffy just went toe to toe and arguably bested the supposed strongest monster in the known verse and is now running from Cat. I understand creating tension on a new island, but this kinda makes me feel like Luffy isn’t taking things seriously despite the fact that he is in a serious situation and claimed multiple times he would treat this differently.

    I don’t think it’s healthy of the story or Oda in general if this arc turns into a 100+ chapter arc. I don’t want to see Oda go on a health related Hiatus and be left in limbo.

  2. Taylor Swift Avatar
    Taylor Swift

    I don’t see the point of Usopp being strong, that was never his point or purpose. Even his dream is not being strong but brave, and he has come a long way already from being weak and running away from everything to facing danger even if it just to get smashed.

    Even Sanji the point is not so much about being strong as to be a parallel with Zoro and the rivalry that has grown between both. They are like two sides, Zoro is a wild animal ready to slash anything coming his way while Sanji has the gallant knight side with his principles.

  3. Donald Trump Avatar
    Donald Trump

    So…. what exactly happened with all the mistakes and errors last chapter, because it doesn’t seem like the effects of Absinthe anymore. Are we just gonna forget that Oda goofed up so many times, because what even is this arc, genuinely.

  4. Olivia Rodrigo Avatar
    Olivia Rodrigo

    So it seems the Yggdrasil tree shown in the last previous chapter is fake, probably just a regular bonzai tree or something. Elbaf is gonna be a huge ass country and Yggdrasil will be among the biggest things shown in the series. I hope that that its branches extend to sky islands (other realms) also, that would be really cool.

  5. Kendrick Lamar Avatar
    Kendrick Lamar

    Is it just me or has Oda been listening to this sub? He’s been rephrasing Gear 5 to make it sound much less like Luffy is the chosen one, he’s been giving Zoro much more personality (especially compared to Wano) and he’s been giving Usopp a lot more attention ever since Egghead. These are all complaints that this sub has pointed out ever since its inception, so it makes me think that maybe Oda is actually paying attention to this sub.

  6. Drake Avatar

    As much as I am happy there is some critiquing going on amongst the crew. It makes me salty we had to wait THIS LONG for even just a line to call out Usopp’s fraud behaviour. It’s an example of Oda’s biggest weakness nowadays that he can’t develop characters progressively throughout arcs like he used to, so they end up static and sidelined for other side characters.

    I remember for an entire year people were begging for something like this in Wano, but Oda wasn’t concerned with it. Don’t even get me started on Egghead.

    It’s just really stupid for such a long running manga, he won’t develop characters until he’s finally forced to (since Elbaf is the Usopp arc). The same applied to Sanji until WCI. At least he built on Sanji in Onigashima.

    It should be Page One, or a Seraphim, or marine fodder to pressure Usopp and bring to light how much of a fraud he’s been. But it was just some lion.

    1. Shaka Avatar

      Of course, a Seraphin against usopp, and then dont exists usopp after that, usopp like Bartolomeo is a character to bê a human like us in one piece(Bartolomeo a strawhat fan, usopp Just a human in the crew), character development isnt just give battles and power tô the character the whole sage of whole cake Island developed Sanji, not just the pringles he used in onigashima, usopp is a fraud and all the characters know that If they are not chopper, Just the tontatas dont know cause they are least inteligent than chopper, and egghead developed kuma, bonney, gorousei, vegapunk, a small part of the Lost century, the RA, we saw the fricking joy boy silhuete, the seraphins and how they use their powers, etc, character development ≠ fights

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Agent Orange

Meet Virtus (Agent Orange), the creative force behind’s engaging content. His enthusiasm for anime, manga, and video games is not just a hobby, but a driving force in his editorial work. You’ve likely read many of his articles—some that resonated with you, and maybe a few that sparked debate. Away from the keyboard, Virtus revisits the adventures of Luffy and his crew in One Piece and challenges himself in his all-time favorite games.

Favorite Anime: Virtus’s admiration for One Piece is as vast as the Grand Line itself. For over a decade, Eiichiro Oda’s masterpiece has been his wellspring of inspiration, a testament to his unwavering fandom.

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Favorite TV Shows: A connoisseur of compelling narratives, Virtus finds solace in the intricate worlds of fantasy fiction. George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series holds a special place in his heart, naturally extending his fandom to the epic sagas of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.