One Piece Chapter 1132 Review – Adventure in Elbaph

One Piece Chapter 1132 Review – Adventure in Elbaph
88 / 100

A young boy named Colon excitedly announces the return of the Great Eirik, inquiring if they are heading straight to the pub. Brogy shakes his head, clarifying that their destination is the “Sun World.” A woman hands Colon a basket to deliver to Ripley and their father, prompting him to ask if she knows anything about the pirate Dorry. He recalls how Shanks once mentioned Luffy’s name and urged him to remember it.

Suddenly, a vibrant rainbow appears, leading up to a massive tree, and the Great Eirik begins to sail toward it. The Straw Hats are in awe of the breathtaking sight, as Brogy explains that they created the rainbow using a device called a “painter.” As the ship ascends the rainbow toward the villages, the Straw Hats are astonished to be riding something intangible, while the Giants treat it as perfectly normal. Hajrudin and Stansen sail alongside the Great Eirik, inquiring about Luffy’s whereabouts, but they are informed that he will join them later.

One Piece Chapter 1132 Manga

Meanwhile, Luffy ascends the rope bridge leading to the tree, landing safely in Gerd’s arms. Gerd explains what Road did and apologizes, while Goldberg asks Luffy about his adventures in the Underworld. Luffy reflects on his last conversation with Loki, who had sworn him to secrecy about their discussion and promise. Struggling to fabricate a convincing explanation, Luffy’s poor lying skills cause Gerd and Goldberg to drop the subject, relieved that he made it to Elbaph safely.

In the Sun World, Road attempts to grab Nami and Chopper, but Zoro and Sanji thwart him by toppling a tree onto him. Gerd, Goldberg, and Luffy arrive just in time, and the two Giants angrily strike Road, knocking him out. They introduce themselves to the rest of the crew, offering to guide them, while Luffy and Usopp dash off toward the village, with the others following Gerd and Goldberg. Brogy explains that Elbaph consists of three levels: the Underworld, the Sun World, and the highest, the Astral World, with their current destination being the Sun World. Upon reaching the top, they find Luffy and the others, who are equally astonished by the rainbow ride, but joyfully reunite.

The chapter concludes with a narration from explorer Louis Arnote, who shares his experiences in Elbaph while cryptically warning travelers not to overstay their welcome.

Chapter Notes:

  • The Great Eirik arrives at the shores of Elbaph, greeted by Colon, who is eager to meet Luffy after hearing about his adventures from Shanks.
  • The Naglfar, carrying Hajrudin and Stansen, joins the Great Eirik as they approach a nearby Rainbow Bridge.
  • Dorry and Brogy explain to the Straw Hat Pirates, Lilith, and Bonney that the rainbows are artificially created bridges to Elbaph’s upper levels.
  • As Luffy exits the Underworld, he reunites with Gerd and Goldberg, who is still carrying the Thousand Sunny.
  • Gerd explains Road’s actions to Luffy, distancing herself from him, while Luffy remembers Loki’s request for secrecy regarding their “deal.”
  • Nami and Chopper lure Road into a trap set by Zoro and Sanji, temporarily incapacitating him.
  • Gerd and Goldberg arrive moments later, furious, and knock Road out for his misdeeds.
  • Luffy catches up with the rest of the Straw Hats as Gerd introduces herself and Goldberg as Hajrudin’s crew members, returning the Thousand Sunny to them.
  • Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp rush toward the nearest Elbaph village, with Gerd carrying Nami, Zoro, and Sanji in pursuit.
  • The Great Eirik and the Naglfar also arrive at the village, where Dorry and Brogy explain Elbaph’s layout to the Straw Hats.
  • The entire crew reunites after being separated by Road.
  • The chapter ends with Louis Arnote’s narration about the wonders of Elbaph, accompanied by a warning to travelers not to linger too long.

One Piece Chapter 1132 will likely continue to explore the concern surrounding Jaguar D. Saul’s health. His declining condition suggests that Elbaf is attempting to make the reunion between Robin and Saul more poignant, possibly revealing a hidden and somber purpose during their encounter. Meanwhile, Loki is expected to persist in manipulating Luffy. After his initial failed attempt, Loki now captures Luffy’s interest through Shanks, which could lead to a potential escape and their highly anticipated clash—a moment that fans are eagerly awaiting.

Action and Lore Development

While the action may unfold through Luffy and Loki’s encounter, the lore is set to progress, possibly featuring the remaining Straw Hats arriving on Elbaf. Those already on the island are likely to piece together clues about Elbaf and search for their scattered crew. Additionally, the New Giant Pirates are coming into play, with Road’s earlier interactions with the Straw Hats beginning to intertwine with the main storyline. One Piece Chapter #1132 might further develop their presence, hinting at their significant impact on the story of Elbaf.

Release Information for One Piece Chapter #1132

One Piece Chapter #1132 is scheduled for release on Monday, November 18, at midnight Japanese Standard Time (JST), as part of the #50 issue of the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. Due to the time difference, fans in the West can access this chapter on Sunday, November 17, at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 8 AM Pacific Time, 10 AM Central Time, and 4 PM Greenwich Mean Time.

Once released, the new chapter will be available for free on popular websites like Manga Plus and Viz Media, which allow readers to access the first and three most recent installments of One Piece at no cost. Fans with a paid subscription to Shueisha’s Shōnen Jump+ can also enjoy the latest chapters.


One Piece Chapter #1131 Recap

One Piece Chapter #1131, titled “Loki in the Underworld,” picks up from the cliffhanger of the previous issue, with Luffy expressing his excitement upon confirming their location on the land of giants. Luffy rambles about his enthusiasm, not giving Loki, who is chained up, an opportunity to speak. Frustrated, Loki demands Luffy’s attention, declaring himself the legendary Sun God and insisting that Luffy recognize the seriousness of the situation.

Loki reveals that he’s been chained to the Adam Tree with sea prism stone for six years. In desperation, he proposes a deal to Luffy: in exchange for his freedom, Loki promises to help Luffy eliminate any pirate crew of his choice. Attempting to intimidate Luffy, Loki mentions the giant animals of the underworld, only to discover that Luffy has already tamed them. However, Luffy’s focus shifts when Loki’s followers mention Shanks.

Luffy eagerly inquires if Shanks has been to Elbaf, but Loki seizes the moment to attempt to tarnish Shanks’ reputation. This prompts Luffy to attack him, leading Loki to backtrack and claim he was joking, while slyly hinting that information about Shanks won’t come without a price. Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats on the island spot Road, the giant who previously posed as the Sun God, charging toward them, pursued by giants they had encountered earlier. Zoro prepares to fight upon noticing the giants carrying their ship, the Thousand Sunny.

However, the other Straw Hats restrain him, suggesting it’s wiser not to engage, as these giants might be allies of Dorry and Brogy. Instead, they decide to seek out the nearest village. Concurrently, the chapter introduces Hajrudin, captain of the New Giant Pirates, along with shipwright Stansen, who are preparing to welcome the Straw Hats. As the chapter concludes, the crew draws closer to the island, with Robin sporting her iconic haircut in anticipation of meeting Saul. The final panel depicts a giant expressing concern for Saul, fearing he may have fallen and cannot get up.

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10 responses to “One Piece Chapter 1132 Review – Adventure in Elbaph”

  1. Lionel Messi Avatar
    Lionel Messi

    Perhaps Elbaf has an effect on humans and other creatures who stay there for too long. Such as artificially “growing” them into giants just by staying there. Might be some island/Adam tree magic that affects nearby life. Could also be for self preservation so giants don’t go extinct somehow. Would be a fun little twist to the story if all strawhat are temporarily turned to giants.

  2. Tyrese Martin Avatar
    Tyrese Martin

    If the spoilers are accurate, it appears that Gerd and Goldberg are more virtuous than Road, especially if they confronted him for his actions. Or could it be that they attacked him for another reason?

    It’s intriguing to hear a name that hasn’t surfaced since Little Garden. It’s quite remarkable that the explorer first encountered the Giants and somehow managed to leave Little Garden, with implications that he traveled all the way to Elbaph. Perhaps the warning reflects his bias against Giants, who can be quite intimidating to an ordinary person. However, this explorer might not be ordinary at all. Yet, with only the silhouette of this character revealed, I still have no idea where this arc is headed.

  3. Keenan Allen Avatar
    Keenan Allen

    You know what’s interesting is that this is Shanks territory and Bartolomeo has been putting Luffy all over Shanks territory.

    Anyway, I read samurai hat. Just for the record Yamato could possibly be considered samurai, as she was seen with a sword and inspired by Ushimaru and other samurai. It would only be one island but the whole samurai cannot navigate and would get swept up by the tides goes away when you consider Momonosuke can just fly Yamato to the Strawhats. It gets kind of ignored that he can literally fly. Doesn’t mean the silhouette is Yamato but in the land of the Giants and Shanks territory, whose to say that Yamato’s help is not needed. We saw what happened on Elbaf. And the Gorosei do now have two swordsmen.

  4. Bruno Mars Avatar
    Bruno Mars

    I can feel it, my world building hunger is to be satiated! 3 different levels (Oda sure likes his levels as of late), a rainbow river, a megalopolis of giants made in the middle of a tree… I need to see it all to believe it, but Oda might’ve cooked really hard for this new place.

  5. Eiichiro Oda Avatar
    Eiichiro Oda

    This silhouette might be Louis Arnote himself.

    Think about this: if the book was talking about Dorry and Broggy being in Little Garden, and they were there not too long ago (Less than 100 years ago), then the guy might actually be alive. And if he’s a lone explorer who was able to come to Elbaph, Little Garden and to places so different and wild to the point where the book was described as fiction, then this guy must be strong.

    We might be looking to the second top tier to be found in Elbaph other than Loki and possibly the only human other than Shanks who is allowed or rather, who can take residence in Elbaph just to fuck around and explore. This Louis Arnote guy means business and is probably strong as fuck if it’s him. Think about Noland back in his day, he was pretty busted (For his time) and he was an explorer/adventurer too.

    Not to mention, we are approaching the History of how pirates came to be and who was the FIRST PIRATE. Maybe explorer/adventurer became the pirates we know today. Shit just got more interesting.

  6. Black Friday Avatar
    Black Friday

    It’s definitely the man with the burn scar. Kidd said in post Wano that he wanted to find the man and next time we we see him he is pulling up to elbaph. If you connect the dots, it’s quite clear the man with burn scar is on elbaph and is the one who was waiting on the shores and walking through the forest. Who he is, on the other hand, is still a huge mystery. My guess is that Shiryu was correct in asserting that he is a world government affiliate. It makes sense they have the last poneglyphs to prevent anyone reaching Laughtale.

  7. Cody Rhodes Avatar
    Cody Rhodes

    Pretty good to see that the 6 that got separated from Dorry and Brogy are safe in the hands of the NEW giant warrior pirates and now we get more info about Elbaph’s cultural system. Can’t wait to see more about the Elbaph Arc.

    I have a theory about Elbaf—what if time moves differently there? Imagine this: while they spend days in Elbaf, only moments pass in the outside world—or worse, the opposite. They could lose touch with everything, caught between two timelines, missing out on both. Maybe that’s why they can’t afford to stay too long…

  8. onepiecetrend Avatar

    If the mystery man isn’t someone we already know, I wouldn’t mind it if a leftover faction from the Ancient Kingdom survived and contacted Crocus after learning he went to Laughtale and the 800 year prophecy was in motion. It could be a great way to introduce an unexpected antagonist in the arc if they try to take Luffy to fulfill whatever prophecy, and he refuses to go because of his ideals on freedom and his journey to being the most free person on the sea.

    They make contact with Crocus after hearing that there’s a pirate in the Grand Line who has the Will of D, ate Nika’s fruit, and punched a Celestial Dragon within the prophesied 800 year time frame. Just happened to luck out that Crocus actually knew the kid. They’ve been waiting for Nika to awaken so they can grab him and go back to Laughtale.

    Have them already know where Laughtale is and all about the One Piece, like how Rayleigh offered to tell them about it, but they’re trying to abduct Luffy if he doesn’t come willingly. Hell, make Laughtale their base of operations, but they stayed hidden when Roger came.

  9. Amazon Avatar

    Alright. First off, I’m surprised that the castle of the new Daimyo of Udon is being built right where the Udon prisoner mines were.

    I always figured that they would just rebuild right where the old one was like with Oden Castle. I also figured that the prisoner mines would be a perfect place to keep Orochi’s old forces and some of the Beast Pirates. I guess that any member of the enemy army that’s being imprisoned is being kept somewhere else and there must be a valid reason as to why Oda would have a new Daimyo castle here.

    In any case, I fully expected the new Udon Daimyo to be Raizo as he would know the Udon region, the old prisoner mines and would be able to effectively guard over old Wano enemies like Fukurokuju and my thoughts haven’t changed. It’s more than likely that there’s a new place where former enemies of Wano are being kept that would lead to Yamato and company being able to figure out who’s being the kidnappings and who stole Yasuie’s sword.

    Now as for the chapter, we start by finding out the Elbaf kid that was shown asking Shanks to join his crew is named “Collon” and is essentially the Elbaf version of kid Luffy lol.

    And it’s typical of One Piece and Oda that we see a mythical legend applied in the most efficient and in story effective way with the Bifrost rainbow bridge of norse mythology being incorporated through the new “Sun stone”.

    And it’ll be interesting to see just what happens when Loki gets released by Luffy. It also looks like the application of the “Hakoku” is standard for giants.

    And the reveal of Elbaf having three levels is really interesting. I love how the norse mythology legend of Bifrost is incorporated as a means of travel on Elbaf. And the importance of the sun is outlined even more with a level in Elbaf being named after the sun. It’s also nice that the crew got back together and get to be among the giants we know as they bask in the fulfillment of reaching Elbaf after 1000+ chapters.

    And almost no One Piece chapter is without mystery. Why would Oda mention the words of Louis Arnote and mention that he once visited Elbaf?

    And who is the individual wearing the kasa hat that looks to be the same person who drank with Crocus in the decks of the world cover story?

    Why is this individual in Elbaf?

    Is he the man marked by flames?

    I guess we’ll have to wait to find out

  10. Cyber Monday Avatar
    Cyber Monday

    It’s no surprise that Luffy won’t keep his encounter with Loki a secret forever. But hopefully, he’ll explain it with his crewmembers, especially Robin’s group who recently learned about Loki, which may lead the Emperor into finding a less dangerous way on learning about Shanks.

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Agent Orange

Meet Virtus (Agent Orange), the creative force behind’s engaging content. His enthusiasm for anime, manga, and video games is not just a hobby, but a driving force in his editorial work. You’ve likely read many of his articles—some that resonated with you, and maybe a few that sparked debate. Away from the keyboard, Virtus revisits the adventures of Luffy and his crew in One Piece and challenges himself in his all-time favorite games.

Favorite Anime: Virtus’s admiration for One Piece is as vast as the Grand Line itself. For over a decade, Eiichiro Oda’s masterpiece has been his wellspring of inspiration, a testament to his unwavering fandom.

Favorite Games: Virtus’s gaming roots are entwined with the strategic depths of MOBA games. From the classic battles of Dota to the dynamic arenas of Dota 2 and League of Legends, these games are his digital playground.

Favorite TV Shows: A connoisseur of compelling narratives, Virtus finds solace in the intricate worlds of fantasy fiction. George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series holds a special place in his heart, naturally extending his fandom to the epic sagas of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.

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